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List of Figures

  1. Data processing path
  2. Bipolar pulsed gradient experiment (adapted from [22] and [9])
  3. Diffusion in myelinated fibers (adapted from [22])
  4. Diffusion tensor overlying two crossing fibertracts
  5. Sagittal view showing acquisition positions
  6. Random tensorfield
  7. Smoothing with Gauss filter of length 5
  8. Random tensorfield with bias in one direction
  9. Smoothing with Gauss filter of length 3
  10. Interpolation of single components of two tensors in 9 steps
  11. Interpolation of two tensors in 9 steps by keeping the shape
  12. Visualization of tensors using ellipsoids
  13. Visualizing tensors with headless arrows and dots representing $c_l\hat{\mathbf{e}}_1$
  14. Visualizing tensors by color-encoding the largest eigenvalue, -vector
  15. Grayscale representation of the measurement close-line $c_l$
  16. Grayscale representation of the measurement close-plane $c_p$
  17. Grayscale representation of the measurement close-sphere $c_s$
  18. Orthogonalization of the eigenvectors
  19. Original synthetic square
  20. Rigid rotation of synthetic example with nearest neighbor interpolation
  21. Rigid rotation of synthetic example with linear interpolation
  22. Rigid rotation of synthetic example with nearest neighbor interpolation and local transformation of tensors
  23. Rigid rotation of synthetic example with linear interpolation and local transformation of tensors
  24. Notation conventions used
  25. Eigensystem decomposition of the correlation matrix
  26. Variogram parameters
  27. Plot of common parametric correlation forms used for Kriging interpolation
  28. Example of using Kriging interpolation
  29. Synthetic displacement
  30. Distorted synthetic square with full local warping
  31. Distorted synthetic square with local warping but without scaling
  32. Distorted synthetic square only with local rotation of the tensors
  33. Multi-scale matching
  34. Chessboard example for the nonrigid matching process
  35. MRI scan example for the nonrigid matching process
  36. Classification Examples
  37. C++ Class hierarchy
  38. Local transformation of tensors
  39. Diffusion tensor image of an adult human brain
  40. Diffusion tensor image of the corpus callosum of an adult human brain
  41. 3D representation of the frontal lobe of the corpus callosum
  42. 3D representation of the frontal lobe of the corpus callosum

Raimundo Sierra 2001-07-19